Posts tagged residential care
219: Caregiving and Essential Oils

Being a caregiver is the hardest job in the world. There are currently 64 million unpaid caregivers in the US, mostly family members of individuals who aren’t able to care for themselves. What’s the secret to being an excellent care giver? Self care. Put your oxygen mask on first, show up for yourself, so that you can show up for others.

Today we discuss caregiving with Dawn Renee, founder of Traveling Caregivers, a grassroots faith-based organization that operates in a holistic way. Dawn is a pioneer of holistic caregiving, integrating herbal medicine, Ayurveda, and energy work along with emotional guidance. Dawn has been a live-in caregiver and health coach for almost 15 years, and knows that caregiving for others can easily take you away from yourself. She is passionate about helping other caregivers with their journey. Dawn is currently working on a book, I Care: Waking the Caregiver Inside, to be released this spring.

The tools and concepts mentioned in today’s episode are valuable—not only to those in the caregiving profession—but also to those of us looking for better ways to take care of ourselves and prevent virus and disease transmission.

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